Wednesday, April 28, 2010

This is why I want an iPad!

Well, one of the reasons, anyway.

Check out these screenshots from a new app called OnSong:

If this app is anywhere near what the screenshots and write-up make it look like, then I could see this being an absolutely fantastic tool, especially at camp when I'm flipping through chord charts for songs around the campfire. All my songs in one place -- no more loose sheets of paper that get lost, torn or trampled on. The ability to dynamically transpose chords, look up chord fingerings, the fact that it's a backlit LCD screen instead of a paper and a flashlight...

I was totally "meh" about the iPad until I realized that apps like this were possible. Now I'm very excited to see one for myself when they're released in Canada next month.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Fool me twice...

I stopped by Tim Horton's again this morning.

I ordered a donut.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Fool me once...

As fate would have it, I was in a rush, needed breakfast, and stopped at the local Tim Horton's again. This time I thought I'd order a Bagel B.E.L.T. sandwich.

With bacon, I stressed. I felt it may have been redundant, given that B.E.L.T. stands for bacon, egg, lettuce, and tomato. But if experience is any indicator...

Sure enough, when I got to the sandwich counter, I watched as the employee took some bacon out of the little drawer (convenient!) and put it into my...

Homestyle biscuit sandwich??

Granted, I suppose I should have been suspicious when the cashier failed to ask me to specify what kind of bagel I wanted.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Bacon? Sausage? Who cares...

Aww, screw it.

Last week I wrote a big long rant here before about, of all things, a Tim Horton's breakfast sandwich, and how the guy behind the counter managed to completely mess up my order. Basically I ordered it with bacon, saw him make one with sausage, reminded him that I wanted bacon, watched him confer with the cashier who took my order and look up the "order history" screen or some such, confirmed with me that I wanted bacon, then proceed to make me a new sandwich... with sausage.

See, when I write it like that, it's funny. You roll your eyes, you take it, and you move on (which is pretty much what I did, because I was late for work.)

In the original post I think my tone was a little more along the lines of "bemused, but slightly angry". I vented for several hundred words, before I closed with this quote:

"From the errors of others, a wise man corrects his own." -Syrus

I started off typing the rant thinking it there would be some humor in it, the type of thing you see at or some such... but by the time I got to the end of the post, I realized... it was pretty stupid.

So what's left is this observation: Hey, nobody's perfect. We all make mistakes. I did, too, when I worked retail at Canadian Tire (a story for another day). And I met a bunch of rude weirdos, for sure, which just reinforces my assertion. Everyone needs to just chill a little, and the world will be a much happier place.